Brown Family 2016 | Family | Birmingham Family Photographer

I may be biased, but I really believe that one of the best gifts that you can give somebody would be pictures.  I was honored to put together some family photos for these awesome three siblings for their mother’s birthday.  I was pretty impressed they were able to coordinate their outfits so well, arrive on time (ok, early!), and manage to keep lots of smiles on their faces throughout the session.  They had a lot to celebrate and they are the perfect reminder of why family photos are so important.  The twins just got out of the NICU after almost 5 months!  They were so sweet and cooperative. I couldn’t believe when I heard they were born weighing in at just over a pound!  They weren’t the only strong fighters in the family though.  Bob is thriving after a lung transplant last year.  I saw him before his transplant when I did pictures for him and Michelle and it was really inspiring seeing how well he was doing this time!  I have a special place in my heart for twins and organ donation and this family was just so enthusiastic and had a great spirit.  Life throws so many tough things our way sometimes and there is no doubt their positive energy pulled them through.

Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography
Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography

Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia PhotographyJust a little fun at the end…   🙂
Birmingham Family Photography with Morgan Virginia Photography

For more information on a session please visit the Morgan Virginia Photography website or send your information below:

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